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Sunday, October 24, 2021

Anger Management (Online)

Sunday, October 24, 2021 @ 6:11 PM

Our anger management, online group therapy is designed to improve coping and problem solving skills.

-Learn how to identify and resolve thoughts that trigger anger before it becomes a problem.
-Recognize warning signs and red flags that can lead to anger.
-Discover the relationship between your thoughts and actions and how you can improve your mindset for more favorable actions.
-Learn more effective ways of communicating to improve your interactions and relationships with others.

New Season Counseling provides online counseling for individuals, couples, families and groups. If you or someone you know is in need of counseling don't hesitate to contact us.

Premarital Counseling (Online)

Sunday, October 24, 2021 @ 6:07 PM

Our Life-Together-Forever, online session is designed to serve couples seeking pre-marital education or to revive an already healthy relationship. As part of the "Twogether in Texas" program, it provides voluntary marriage and relationship education skills. Courses are available as individual or group sessions and will help you develop skills in:

-Effective listening
-Problem solving
-Conflict resolution
-Goal setting
-Building healthy relationships

Completing the course will reduce your marriage license fee by $60 and waive the 72-hour waiting period. More importantly, discussing communication styles and expectations before marriage, you and your loved one can better understand and support each other in marriage.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Stress Management for Parents with Teens - Group Counseling

Monday, October 11, 2021 @ 6:42 PM

Stress Management for Parents with Teens
Lead by Analin Flores, LMFT

Do you wish you had managed the last stressful situation a little bit different with your teen? Have you been feeling like you are drowning with stress in the last 2 years? Are you noticing your teens also struggling with stress? As parents we all want to do our best and make our teens happy! Under “normal” circumstances this is already a great challenge, and with the changes we have all encountered during the pandemic, stress is taking the best out of us!

Join Analin Flores, LMFT for 6 weeks where you will learn:

How the Brain Works Around Stress. The Fight or Flight Response. What to Do?
Impact of Stress on Parenting. Parenting Styles, Noticing Patterns, Triggers, And Reactions.
Understanding Teens Developmental Stage to Improve Interactions with Teens.
The Conflict Solving Styles. What Works?
Problem-Solving. Working Together to Find Solutions.
Healthy Habits to Reduce Stress

Stress Management for Parents with Teens

Starting Thursday October 28 at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting for 6 Thursdays for 1 hour
Online via Zoom
Cost $149.99
You will Receive 6 Virtual Group Counseling Sessions. This is a cost of $25 per session.
Deadline to Sign up is October 25th at 12 midnight.

Sign up here

Stress Management for Teens - Group Counseling

Monday, October 11, 2021 @ 6:40 PM

Stress Management Group for Teens
Lead by Cynthia Escobar, LMFT

Are your teens struggling with stress, not thriving at school, not being themselves lately, moody, irritable, and snapping very easily? Is stress impacting your teens at home, school, or with friends? If so, you will want your teens to participate in this support group lead by Cynthia Escobar who has extensive experience working with teens and is passionate about it. She will be providing evidence-based group support to teach your teens:

Week 1. What Is Stress? How the Brain Works: The Fight or Flight Response.
Week 2. Stress Self-Assessment: Common Triggers and Reactions to Stress.
Week 3. How to Cope with Stress: Healthy Vs. Unhealthy Coping
Week 4. Social Support and Protective Factors.
Week 5. Goal Setting and Problem-Solving.
Week 6. Increasing Healthy Habits to Reduce Stress.

Starting Saturday October 23rd at 2:00 p.m.
Meeting for 6 Saturdays for 1 hour
Online via Zoom
Cost $149.99
Your Teen will receive 6 virtual group counseling Sessions. This is a cost of $25 per session.
Deadline to Sign up is October 21st at 12 midnight.

Moving Forward Part 2 - Ways to Cope

Monday, October 11, 2021 @ 6:30 PM

In the previous article, we discussed the stages of grief and how we are all grieving losses from the pandemic. But once we have processed through our grief, how do we move forward? With summer now in full swing and Covid restrictions virtually gone, there are so many great opportunities to gather with the friends and family members we may not have been able to see this past year. Summer is a wonderful time to be outdoors and go on adventures with the people we love–and it doesn’t have to cost much (or anything) at all! Here are some ideas to bond with your people this summer:

Plan a Picnic
Why not enjoy a good old-fashioned picnic at the park or on the beach? This timeless and classic outdoor activity is perfect for the warm months and a great way to spend time (and enjoy delicious food!) together. Prepare a homemade meal and dessert beforehand, or run to the grocery store for some yummy deli sandwiches. Then invite your friends, pack the basket and blanket and be on your way! There are great spots to picnic pretty much everywhere, so find a convenient and quiet place near where you live and make the arrangements. Everyone will be glad you did!

Find a Walking/Jogging Buddy
Summer is a great time to be active, and what better way to stay consistent than finding a buddy to exercise with? Whatever you’re into–swimming, biking, jogging, or plain old walking–grab a friend or family member who also enjoys that activity and schedule a regular time to do it together! You will be so much more likely to stick with it if you have a partner (or a few!) to hold you accountable. It’s also so much more fun and can help distract you from the discomfort of burning those calories!

Host a Barbecue or Dinner Party
Whether or not you have a barbecue, having friends and family over for an evening meal is a wonderful summer pastime. Don’t be intimidated if you don’t know how to cook or don’t feel like you have the best hosting skills–enlist help! You can always do a potluck-style dinner and have everyone bring a dish so all you have to do is clean your house and prepare a table. The important thing is bringing people together around food and fellowship. Nobody will judge your decorum; rather they will appreciate the effort you went to to get everyone together. Sharing a meal together is one of the best ways to grow intimacy with others.

Join a Bible Study or New Serving Opportunity at Your Church
Most of us feel a little more adventurous during the summer months, so why not channel that energy into joining a new ministry at your church? It is likely that small groups and serving opportunities are back to meeting in person, so this may be a great time to get to know some new members of your congregation. Or, this may be the time to join a new church! Many people are trying to reconnect and connect with new people after being isolated for so long, so take advantage of this ripe time for new relationships. It can be scary to step out and try something new, but usually it is well worth it if the motivation is meaning and connection. You will find that most people are very receptive and welcoming to newcomers, especially in the church!

Just relax
It’s been a long year. Covid has taken a real toll on each of us, and self-care is crucial right now. Whether you find being with or without people relaxing, do what is most restorative to your soul at this time. Don’t feel pressure to be constantly social just because you can now, but rather ease into it. There will be plenty of time to gather together going forward, and your people will still love you and be there for you even if you don’t feel quite ready to jump back in full force. Take the time you need to readjust to everything opening back up and be kind to yourself in the process. None of us came out of this pandemic unscarred, and it’s unreasonable to expect things to go right back to “normal.” Have grace with yourself, and whenever you feel ready, go out into the world and enjoy being with your people again.

Moving Forward After Covid-19 - Part 1 - Grief and Stages of Grief

Monday, October 11, 2021 @ 6:28 PM

As we transition out of lockdown and into a new normal, many of us may feel bittersweet. We are grateful for the opportunity to gather once again together and do the things we have been restricted from doing for so long, but we also may carry with us deep grief over what has happened this past year and a half. Whether we personally know people who have died or gotten very sick from Covid or just felt the trauma of a year of loneliness, isolation, and anxiety, it seems wrong to move forward without acknowledging the different losses we have all experienced. But to acknowledge our grief, we first have to understand what it is.

Many may want to choose to skip the mourning and run from the pain or numb their feelings of this past year with work, substances, alcohol, food, shopping, or engage in risky or destructive behaviors. Grieving is necessary because it helps you validate, understand, and acknowledge what or who you lost, but you don’t need to do it alone. Seek the support of safe friends and family members now that is possible. Also, seek professional support if you notice you are struggling on addressing it. We’ve all experienced loss to some degree this past year, so we all need the tools to understand our grief so we can move forward.

What is Grief?

Grief is defined in the dictionary as “deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death.” There are different stages of grief, which we will discuss next, but it is essentially that heavy feeling of sadness due to a loss that doesn’t seem to lift over time unless you process through it. People typically think it only has to do with someone they love dying, but you can be grieved over many different types of losses.

Types of Losses

While many people are grieving the loss of loved ones due to Covid, some are grieving the loss of friendships due to a lack of in-person connection, a marriage due to stress, missing celebrating special occasions like weddings, a new baby, graduations that were not possible to celebrate with family and friends, the loss of the sense of safety, loss of jobs, financial stability, the loss of time and not be able to work on goals, the impact of online school on students and parents, the loss of their mental stability trying to cope with everything going on in the country and world.

Stages of Grief

There are five generally understood stages of grief. They are:
· Denial
· Anger
· Bargaining
· Depression
· Acceptance

Not everyone goes through the stages in the same order, or even all the stages, but this is the generally recognized pattern of grief. There is also no common pace at which people move through the stages–it is different for everyone.

It is our mind’s natural reaction to feeling so overwhelmed by a loss that it feels it has no choice but to deny it. It is a self-protective mechanism–if we were to feel the pain of a great loss right away we might be completely crushed by it, or so our minds think. It’s easier at first to pretend it didn’t happen than to acknowledge something so precious to us has been lost. At the beginning of the pandemic, many of us (myself included) denied the seriousness of it. We thought it would be over within weeks. None of us could have foreseen just how destructive and all-consuming it would become. It was easier to see it as a small threat or inconvenience than to anticipate the incredible havoc it would wreak on our world. Only as it became apparent that the rates were going up and things were looking more and more grim were we forced to move from denial to anger.

On this stage we realize we can no longer deny the problem or loss and have to confront its existence. Naturally, that makes us angry. It is the second line of defense, the only way our fragile psyches know how to take some kind of action against the pain. Wherever we direct that anger (to God, to our spouse, toward ourselves), it has to be directed somewhere. And unfortunately, that usually causes more harm than good. Nevertheless, it is a step most of us must work through before we can move to the next stage. We’ve seen so much anger and outrage this past year over various political and social issues that have seemed to come to a head during the pandemic, amplified due to the already grieved state of our country. Anger is a natural response to a deep loss, but we must not stay stuck in it or there can be dangerous consequences.

The third stage of grief, bargaining, is when we get desperate. It’s when we’ve moved out of anger and simply are begging for some kind of relief from the pain. It can take on many forms, perhaps most commonly as trying to make a deal with God to relieve the pain. We are searching for any kind of reprieve we can get for our heavy souls, no matter what it takes. It may also look like regret, chastising ourselves for what we could have done differently to avoid the loss. While anger often turns outward, bargaining can become more inward-focused.

The fourth and sometimes longest-lasting stage is depression. This is what many people equate to grief itself, but it is in fact only a stage of grief. Most people are familiar with depression in general, but this kind of depression is specifically related to your loss, which in some ways can make it easier to heal from than general depression that has no seeming “cause.” Please take into consideration that children and youth signs of depression may be demonstrated with anger.

Finally, if you are able to move through the previous four stages, you will eventually come to acceptance. Acceptance is not forgetting or being completely okay with what has happened, but rather acknowledging that the loss impacted you but you are able to move forward with hope. In this stage, emotions have been recognized, accepted, and expressed. In this stage, one can realize the magnitude of the experience and understand that he/she will be fine. As the pandemic seems to come to a close, I pray that we can collectively reach the stage of acceptance and allow the losses that we have experienced to shape us into more compassionate and loving people who don’t take health and community for granted.

Going through the five stages of grief is a painful but necessary process for true growth and healing. Wherever you find yourself in this cycle, know that you are not alone and so many people are in the same stage as you. Reach out for support from your community, family and friends. If you notice that this is not enough, seek the help of a professional counselor to help you work through the stages. There is no loss too small or too great to heal from!