How to Tell if You are Suffering from Depression

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 @ 6:08 PM

Depression is the most common mental disorder. Most of us have either experienced some level of depression ourselves or know someone who has. Unfortunately, depressed mood tends to be exacerbated in times of stress, such as the busy holiday season. It also increases during those dark, cold, bleak winter months. Have you found yourself experiencing any of the following symptoms lately?

- lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities
- significant weight loss or gain
- insomnia or excessive sleeping
- lack of energy
- inability to concentrate
- feelings of worthlessness
- feelings of excessive guilt
- recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

If so, you may be experiencing your own struggle with depressed mood. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 17 million adult Americans suffer from depression during any 1-year period.

The good news is that depression is extremely treatable. You don’t need to suffer needlessly. You can regain a sense of control and pleasure in your life. By working with a qualified professional therapist, you can learn skills to avoid unnecessary pain due to depression. Take the first step toward regaining control of your life today.