Church Ministries

  • Adult Classes
  • Children Classes/Activities
  • Choir Opportunities
  • College and Young Adults Classes/Activities
  • Men's Ministries
  • Missions (World and Home)
  • Women's Ministries


God is at work in our world, and Peace is excited to be a part of the action! Here at Peace, expect to encounter a community of people who have experienced God's love, and are ready to share that love with others- locally, regionally, and around the world. You may expect to find volunteers staffing a weekly homeless shelter, kids in Vacation Bible School, youth assembling for a mission trip to West Virginia, numerous women's Bible studies, men's Bible breakfasts on several weekdays, workers assembling to help repair storm-damaged property in the South, or others traveling to Honduras to bring medical and spiritual aid.

On Sunday morning, you will find these same people assembling with a sense of expectancy, and encountering the Living God in worship, music, and the Word. Peace embraces contemporary music and language, and brings those alongside the great traditional music and liturgy of the church. People of all ages are present and welcome. Some dress up and some don't. But all are an enthusiastic part of God's kingdom. Come and join us!

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