Dr. Charles H. Browning, Ph.D.

5122 Katella Ave
Los Alamitos, California, US

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Practice Specialties

  • Counseling for Pastors and Wives
  • Premarital Counseling


MEET DR. BROWNING: "My passion is to help men, women and couples break free of some very heavy and painful chains in their personal lives, and to learn how to replace negative "stinkin' thinkin'" with the wisdom that leads to deep and lasting peace - for them personally, and in their love relationships. We do this in what we call The Mindset-Reset Solution Therapy ®. Therapy." Throughout my career as a therapist I've observed that many forms of counseling produce changes that don't last over time. Why? Because the focus is on problems instead of finding choices and solutions for major and dramatic breakthroughs.

With painful issues like depression, anxiety, anger, porn and adultery, divorce and addictions, the battlefield is your thought life, not just the situational stressors. Peace of mind and harmony in relationships is found by learning and applying, step-by-step ways to replace self-defeating thoughts with practical wisdom that comes from a renewed mind and a restored soul. You also learn how to disconnect from being controlled by other people's expectations ... how to break free of messes from the past.

The exciting news is this — You really can experience major breakthroughs and healing -- one thought at a time, one choice at a time. It's not that complicated." -- Dr. Browning is a trusted referral for FOCUS ON THE FAMILY, and many local pastors and churchs, specializing in solution-focused, Biblical Christian Therapy, in person or using confidential and convenient phone sessions. Pray about this and then call for appointments, or if you have any questions ... This is Professional Christian Counseling You Can Trust.

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