We're Overcoming Depression Group

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 @ 9:09 AM

Are you having a hard time doing everyday, routine tasks? Are you operating on low energy and it's a struggle to function? Are you finding that you are spending your days wearing a mask to operate throughout your day when you are really wanting to retreat to a dark place in seclusion?

Join others who are having similar experiences and wanting a safe space to share what they are feeling.

Where: We will be meeting via secure Telehealth.

When: June 10 at 7 pm. This support group will be running for eight weeks. Space will be limited to a group of seven.

Cost: $25 Registration Fee
$15 Weekly Group Meeting Fee

Our Group Meetings Will Focus On:

Recognizing signs and symptoms of depression
Identifying triggers and how to manage them
Distinguishing healthy and unhealthy relationships
Exploring temperament and how being sad can affect people differently
Mind/ body connection
Improving communication
Developing strategies to overcome depression
To enroll in the We're Overcoming Depression Group, call 443-860-6870.