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Christian Churches Near You

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1-20 of 204 Records

Faith Open Door Ministries

Toronto, Ontario M6B 3Y1
Faith Open Door Ministries Inc. was founded upon the principle of Faith. The vision is to build a distinctly different church in the City of Toronto, where people can be taught and given an example of holiness,... More »

Victory Church

Middlefield, Connecticut 06455-1097
Victory Church is a non-denominational Christian Church located in central Connecticut. We offer Pastoral Counseling services to church members and non-members on a case-by-case basis. Counseling services include... More »

Scarborough Presbyterian Church

Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510
Mission and Outreach: We are committed to extending our church life to the larger community and to the world through our actions and programs. We actively support causes around town and around the globe and hope... More »

Mt Zion Pentecostal Church Of Jesus Christ

Gary, Indiana 46409
A Full Gospel Bible Believing Church that preaches and teaches the Apostolic Doctrine as taught by Jesus and his disciples; John 10:30 "I and my Father are one." 1st timothy 2:5 “For there is one God, and one... More »

Dream City Church

Scottsdale, Arizona 85266
Whether you’re a new Christian, or you’ve been following Jesus your whole life, we believe that everyone has a next step to take in their faith journey. We have strategically created our next steps programs to help... More »

Christ's Church Jacksonville FL

Jacksonville, Florida 32258
We are a church who welcomes people from all backgrounds, regardless of their failures or successes in life. Our message is one of second chances, acceptance, hope, and life. We are a family where each person... More »

Chreshim Valley Church

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118
Cresheim Valley Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), and was established in January of 2007. We are a daughter church of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. We serve the... More »

Fellowship Bible Church San Antonio TX

San Antonio, Texas 78240
Expect to be in the company of a congregation of believers who have met to worship the Lord in a contemporary setting. Our pastor preaches from the New International Version of the Bible and the believers at... More »

Church of the Savior

Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087
We realize that people have a variety of different musical preferences when it comes to worshiping God together. We are happy to offer two different styles, each with its own unique expression. Our preaching is... More »

Warminster Presbyterian Church

Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974
At First Presbyterian Church of Warminster, we are a warm and welcoming community! Whoever you are, whatever your background, however you dress, whatever you do, no matter your age, whomever you love, you will be... More »

Turningpoint Church Fort Worth TX

Fort Worth, Texas 76140
We care about people because God cares about people. God desires for His children to experience abundant life in Him. Our vision is to engage, encourage, equip and expand our community to experience this life each... More »

First Presbyterian Church Tacoma WA

Tacoma, Washington 98403
We are an intergenerational evangelical church located in the historic Stadium District of Tacoma, WA. Each week, we offer opportunities for worship (Sundays @ 10:30 am), Bible study, and fellowship. We also... More »

North Shore Community Baptist Church Beverly MA

Beverly, Massachusetts 01915
We want to see lives renewed, families transformed, homes opened up, skeptics welcomed, prayer mobilized, leaders developed, old divisions healed, and churches partnering together in mission.
We want to take part... More »

Harvest Church Glendale AZ 83505

Glendale, Arizona 85305
A Place Where Your Whole Family Can Find Life!

At Harvest, family is priority. We desire to grow strong families through solid teaching, fun and stimulating children’s and student ministry, and plenty of... More »

University Christian Fort Worth TX

Fort Worth, Texas 76109
Whether you are new to UCC, returning after some time away, or if you have been here forever, you are welcome to join us for our new orientation class: UCC & You. Learn about UCC and the Christian Church -... More »

Shavano Baptist Church San Antonio TX

San Antonio, Texas 78249
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God and the basis for our beliefs. This church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of “The Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention... More »

Church on the Rock

New Castle, Delaware 19720
We’d like to invite you to come and worship with us. Our ministry is all about healing for the total man spirit, soul and body with emphasis on healing of the body. Many times we get saved and yet our body does not... More »

The Potter's House Denver CO 80247

Denver, Colorado 80247
The Potter’s House of Denver is an independent church under The Potter’s House of Dallas ministry founded by Bishop T.D. Jakes. Inspired by the rich diversity of The Potter’s House of Dallas, the Denver location is... More »

Celebration Community Church

Denver, Colorado 80222
Celebration is a community of diverse ages, stages, cultures, situations and stories. Below are some answers to commonly asked questions, to help you get a feel for Celebration Community Church. We hope to see you... More »

Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church

Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268
Shepherd of the Hills is a Bible believing church that stands on the timeless truth of God’s Word. Our roots are Lutheran,
but our spirit is decidedly Evangelical. We are welcoming of the Holy Spirit and... More »
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