
You’ll experience a wide variety of worship styles at All Saints – from the traditional to the contemporary. We celebrate communion at every service which everyone is invited to share. We’re a liturgical church, meaning major ingredients of our worship have been handed down from the earliest years of the Christian church. You’ll sing, pray the “Our Father”, recite a statement of beliefs, connect with fellow believers and have your faith stimulated by a challenging sermon.

Music is an essential part of worship here. Music at All Saints fills the senses with inspirational sounds and leaves you feeling uplifted and energized! To listen to past worship services, click here. All Saints has a tradition of excellent choral music for worship. Our choir rehearses weekly and sings at worship services during the school year. Comprised of high-school-age and up singers, the choir offers various genres of music, from contemporary to classical. Everyone who has a love for worship music is invited to be part of the choir which is directed by John Richard, vocal music director at Aurora’s Gateway High School. You’ll experience excellent instrumental music as well: organ, piano, keyboard, guitar, trumpet and flute. Our children present a Christmas musical during Sunday worship prior to Christmas. They also sing for worship throughout the school year.

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