Chalfont, Pennsylvania, Christian Churches

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2 Christian Churches in Chalfont, Pennsylvania

Hilltown Baptist Church

Chalfont, Pennsylvania 18914
William Thomas first preached at his Hilltown farm in 1725, and by 1750 the church was meeting at its present location. Formally incorporated with 54 members on November 25, 1781, the Hilltown Baptist Church remains committed to its original purpose: making disciples of Jesus Christ in Hilltown, Pennsylvania and around the world.

Grace Community Church

Chalfont, Pennsylvania 18914
At Grace Community Church we believe that worship is about more than what is done on a Sunday morning. Worship is done throughout every aspect of our life as we seek to make known the goodness of God in every word, thought, and action. At Grace we focus on worship in four very specific ways. We seek to worship in spirit as we gather together and praise God and receive instruction from His word. We seek to worship in truth as we grow in our knowledge of God and His word. We seek... More »


At the Christian Counselor Directory we want to help you find the right Christian church in Chalfont, Pennsylvania. Our easy Christian church search has directed you to the Christian churches that you see listed above in Chalfont, Pennsylvania.

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