Mustard Seed Counseling

Brentwood, Tennessee, US

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Practice Specialties

  • Anger Management
  • Blended Family Counseling
  • Career Coaching
  • Couples Counseling
  • Divorce and Remarriage
  • Divorce Counseling
  • Empty Nest Anxiety and Depression
  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Marriage Counseling
  • Premarital Counseling
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Teen Christian Counseling


I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and serve clients in Tennessee, California, South Carolina, and Florida.

For Couples

More than anything, you want to save your marriage. You’ve been together for a long time and just want to be able to talk to each other without it turning into a fight every time. You feel disconnected from each other. You feel like you and your partner can’t even talk about simple stuff because you always disagree. Or worse yet, you’ve stopped listening to each other, or maybe even stopped caring. You feel like you and your partner are just roommates, instead of soulmates. You feel like it’s easier to just avoid each other, than run the risk of another hurtful argument. And you feel lonely, even though you share a home. You know it's time to get some help.

In very practical ways, I will teach you how to really listen to each other, using Reflective Listening and "I" Statements, how to create healthy boundaries in the relationship, how to have difficult conversations & fight fairly, and how to maintain a healthy relationship, using a semi-structured "family meeting". Together we will practice these new skills in session & you'll practice between sessions, until they become almost second nature.

And For Individuals

You have a good life and a good career. You’re successful in all your roles. But you still feel like you’re not good enough. Like you need to be more, do more. But you still feel empty. You have all the things. You do all the things. But you still feel like an imposter in your own life. You wonder what’s wrong with you that you can’t just be yourself and enjoy your good life. You feel like everyone is judging you and you’ll never live up to expectations. You feel like nothing you do is good enough. Chances are you’ve felt that way so long, you’ve come to believe it yourself. And now there are patterns in place that you can’t seem to break. But now you’re ready to change those beliefs, break those patterns, and learn to value yourself and take control of your own life.

You want to feel comfortable in your own skin. You want to be comfortable being authentically you. You want to be that confident person who doesn't worry about what everyone else thinks. You want to enjoy your life now, instead of always feeling like you need to be “better”. You want to be able to believe that you are “good enough” just as you are, and stop spending so much energy trying to be someone different. Together we can work on rebuilding and strengthening yourself, so you can believe in yourself, your worth, and your value.

I do this work because I enjoy helping people get out of their own way and become the person they were meant to be.

I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist with over 25 years of experience working with children, families, and couples of diverse backgounds.

My Christian Faith and My Professional Practice

I made the decision to become a Christian when I was 3 years old. I was raised in a strong Christian family and grew up in church. My relationship with Christ has always played an important role in my life, although I'll admit to having ups and downs in my Christian walk throughout the years.

In 8th grade, it became clear to me that my calling was to become a therapist. And from that point on, I set out to achieve that goal. In 2014, I earned my California Marriage & Family Therapist license.

In 2011, during a particularly intense church service, I felt God clearly tell me that He wanted me to serve fellow believers with the issues they struggle with, infusing Christan beliefs into the sessions to support others.

In my practice, I seek to meet people where they are and support them at the level that they are comfortable with.

Therapists on Staff

Brittanie Mills
Brittanie Mills

Brittanie Mills

Brittanie is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist She has been working with a diverse population of individuals, couples, and families for over 25 years. She is happliy married with two adult sons and an adult step-son. Brittanie currently resides in California and serves clients in California, Tennessee, South Carolina, and Florida.

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